byAlma Abell

People who are Jewish, either by birth or by choice, typically eat foods that follow the strict Jewish dietary code. Such foods that fall in this category are referred to as Kashrut or, as known to people outside the Jewish realm, Kosher. For a food product to fit into the Kosher guidelines, there are restrictions around clean and unclean animals, and those that can be consumed must not be mixed with dairy products. Even the utensils used must adhere to the Kosher dietary rules.

If you are looking for Kosher Catering in Livingston, New Jersey, you just need to ensure that the caterer is well aware of what really constitutes Kosher and what doesn’t. For example, a restaurant may say they serve Kosher food, or they may say they serve Kosher-style food. To begin with, Kosher food doesn’t have a certain style in which it is cooked. In fact, when a restaurant makes a claim to have Kosher-style food, it usually means that traditional Jewish food is served, but that is no guarantee it is truly Kosher. Just to give you some specific examples of what such a caterer would do to be Kosher, look at this list.

  • Shellfish are forbidden in the Kosher diet. You won’t find lobster, shrimp, crabs or oysters.
  • No animals that are permitted to be eaten can be used if they died of natural causes or were killed by another animal.
  • The real Kosher restaurant will not use food that has blood in it, not even the blood spot that sometimes be in eggs. The Kosher restaurateur will go through great lengths to ensure that each egg is individually broken in another container that there is no possible blood contamination.

A restaurant that promises Kosher Catering in Livingston, New Jersey assures you that, for whatever your needs are, Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah or weddings all foods will be properly prepared. For any genuine Kosher affair, Exquisite Affairs Caterers provide professional catering services in the areas of Livingston, Short Hills, and communities surrounding in New Jersey. If you would like to obtain Jewish food services, or have an event catered using Kosher foods, visit their website,