In order to get the orders right many servers and wait staff keep notebooks and order books in their waist aprons with pockets, so that they can jot down the order rather than try to remember it.

Order accuracy is a vital aspect of a successful restaurant business because it is critical for customer satisfaction. A restaurant business needs to ensure that the customers are satisfied with their food and drinks, otherwise they will not come back. Many restaurants have a motto of 100% order accuracy because it ensures that there are no complaints from customers or lost revenue opportunities.

Order accuracy can also affect your hotel business in many ways as well. For example, if guests do not get what was ordered when they check into their rooms, then this could negatively impact them during their stay at the establishment which would be bad for future bookings too. That is why hotels always strive to achieve an impressive 90% – 100% order accuracy rate since guest satisfaction depends on it.

Benefits of providing accurate orders include:

  • The customer is satisfied with the order.
  • No lost revenue opportunities due to complaints about an incorrect order.
  • Improved reputation of your business or restaurant in the community because you are providing high quality service that keeps guests happy and coming back for more.

So, whether you are a manager, supervisor, server in your fancy server apron, or any other staff member, make sure that you achieve 100% order accuracy. Because if not, the business will lose revenue and you may even be out of a job.