Whether you have decided to end your marriage or you have been served with divorce papers, it is important to be informed and know what to expect in the coming months. It is essential that you keep a clear head, speak with an experienced divorce lawyer, and understand your rights. Approximately half of all marriages within the United States end in divorce. In most cases, divorce is a difficult emotional and financial burden on the spouses and families involved.

Termination of marriage is considered a state issue, and each state has established different laws governing marriage and divorce. Divorce laws that apply in one state may be very different in another state. Generally, states tend to share similarities with regard to alimony, child custody, and property. However, filing procedures, child support, grounds for divorce, and residency requirements all may vary a great deal from state to state. A local divorce lawyer will be needed to advise you.


The best possible scenario for divorce is one in which both parties separate on amiable terms and agree to the conditions of the divorce. Unfortunately, this seldom occurs because of extreme emotional complications or animosity between both parties seeking the divorce. Divorce law is intended to aid in resolution between the two parties but because the laws are complex, the involvement of a divorce lawyer is imperative in reaching a settlement. Spouses involved in the divorce process frequently harbor animosity and distrust towards one another, which complicates matters.

There are two types of divorce: contested divorce and uncontested divorce. Contested divorce involves spouses who have difficulty reaching an agreement on the terms of the divorce. These disagreements usually involve child custody issues, alimony, allocation of debts, division of property, and so forth. An uncontested divorce is generally much less complicated because both parties agree to the terms of the divorce. This allows for the divorce to proceed through the legal system much more quickly. In some cases, divorce lawyers prefer to handle such cases out of court. This is nearly impossible, however, if the divorce is contested. In such cases, counseling or mediation may be recommended to diffuse the animosity and sources of contention surrounding the divorce. This may increase the cost of the divorce significantly because in many cases, states will not fund counseling professionals in this capacity.

A qualified Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer can offer counsel on complex divorce laws and other important legal considerations. The assistance of an experienced divorce lawyer in Fort Lauderdale is a necessity in understanding divorce law and protecting your legal and financial interests during this turbulent time.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/law-articles/criminal-law-articles/divorce-law-brief-summary-788618.html

About Author:

Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer Craig Stella believes in creative innovation, and thinking outside the box to formulate a thorough and effective case on behalf of all of his clients. With one of the most experienced and reputable Divorce Lawyers in Fort Lauderdale at your side, you will be able to navigate the dangerous waters of the law with the smoothest ride possible. If you have a family law matter, then contact the Stella Law Firm at 954-779-3800, or visit us on the web at craigstelladivorcelaw.com/.Author: Shane Molliwan