Injecting Botox


Jhon Walker

As a cosmetic procedure Botox London is very popular today. Although Botox injections are originally for medical usage, Botox is used mainly for cosmetic purposes. Joshi Clinic and other institutions use Botox injections to give the consumer a youthful appearance by smoothening out wrinkles and lines on their faces, slowing the aging process. Botox London cosmetic surgeons use injections as anti-aging treatment for their patients. However, Botox fills the area of the wrinkle and plumps it up so that it cannot be seen, rather than removing the wrinkles and lines, or preventing them from forming.

The origin of Botox, according to clinics such as and Joshi Clinic, is from the toxin Botulinum which is the bacteria that causes botulism food poisoning. Though you may wonder why such a toxic substance is injected into the body without causing harm, the truth is that small amounts of Botox are capable of smoothening out wrinkles.

The toxin which, as mentioned before, is known as Botulinum, is created as a protein by the clostridium botulinum bacteria. When it was first introduced, Botox was regarded as a treatment to muscle spasms until it was revolutionized into a cosmetic product used mainly for wrinkles and lines depicting age in the face. However, critics against the use of Botox complain about the fact that it paralyses the muscles temporarily and the more you use it the more debilitating its effects can be. It is recommended that doctors or qualified surgeons must administer Botox to patients. However, you could administer it to a patient if you have prior training in such a field.


Massage London Surgeonsadvise you to have sterile cotton balls, rubbing alcohol and preserved saline before you begin. After that you should rub the places in which you will inject the Botox, thoroughly with sterile cotton balls dipped in rubbing alcohol. Wait until the alcohol has completely evaporated.

Then dilute the Botox with a small dose of the preserved saline gathering about 3 ml of Botox in the syringe. The needle must be placed approximately halfway to the patient s face at one end of the frown line and the injection must be administered in six units to each side of the face as the patient frowns. Once you ve done that, proceed with six units to the other side. Request the patient to raise his or her eyebrows and inject three units at the center of the brow on each side where the lines originate. Specialists from Botox London institutes advise that you should massage the location of the injection so that the Botox may spread evenly and fill the wrinkles or lines. They also instruct patients to sit upright for at least four hours after treatment and continuously exercise the face muscles for at least ten times per hour and then continue for a while after the four hour time period is completed.

Surgeonsin Colonic London and Detox London centres are also available for consultations on detoxification and Colonic London is the most convenient.

Jhon Walker is a online marketer and Writing a Review Article for for

Botox London

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