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The easiest way to make your ex boyfriend desperate for your love is to make him see he has made a big mistake by breaking up with you. The easiest way to do that is to use male psychology to get inside his head. But, in order to make any of this happen, you will have to stop chasing, calling and trying to tell him you love him and can’t live without him.
Making your ex boyfriend desperate for your love will require you to make him think you don’t want him anymore and that he is in danger of losing you. At this time, what I am telling you to do will seem impossible because you are so upset and frustrated that all you can think of is staying close to him and keep him from finding someone else. But continue reading and you will see how this will work.
Male psychology will always work, but you have to make it work your way. It is just what it says – psychology. Of course it can work two different ways, it can work for you or against you. At the present time, you are probably doing everything to make it work against you. You are not doing it intentionally, but you are letting your head lead you instead of your mind.
To make your ex boyfriend regret the breakup, you have to use male psychology in the right way. Think of this – what makes a person desire something? It is because they don’t have it. In order for you to make your ex boyfriend desire you and be desperate for your love, you have to make him think he no longer has you. When you get inside his head and make him think he is losing you, he will begin to regret the breakup.
The fact your boyfriend broke up with you, does not mean he is no longer in love with you. But, if you keep trying to get him back, he won’t be able to think he is losing you for good. You can’t be afraid of losing something if it is always around. If you want your ex to miss you, you will have to disappear. Not just for a few days, but you have to make him think you are gone for good.
When some time has passed and your ex boyfriend realizes he hasn’t seen or heard anything of you, he will wonder what happened to you. A part of using male psychology is to make your ex curious. Men like to keep an eye on their ex girlfriends and know where she is and what she is doing. When you disappear, he is no longer sure of you and the psychology begins to work.
Your ex boyfriend will realize he misses you and wonder if you are in another man’s arms at that very second. This will be male psychology working to get inside his head and make your ex boyfriend regret the breakup and become desperate for your love.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/breakups-separation-articles/make-your-ex-boyfriend-desperate-your-love-make-him-regret-breakup-using-male-psychology-547241.html
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If this is the man for you, don’t give up. Click Here to learn more about using male psychology to get your ex back. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, discover the hidden secrets that lie within his psyche that can have him chasing after you begging for your forgiveness and love at this Helpful SiteAuthor: Hal Archer