byAlma Abell

As a new pet owner, you want to make sure your puppy is well-cared for and as healthy as possible. One of the biggest responsibilities you have is making sure your puppy’s health is taken care of through the services of the Veterinarian in Ft. Meade. Since your puppy’s first year of life is full of many changes, it is imperative you seek routine checkup appointments from your vet, so your puppy does not experience any of the common health dangers during their first years of life. Through the vet, you can help to keep your new friend as healthy as possible, so he or she will be with you for many years to come.

What Shots Does Your Puppy Need?Vaccines protect your puppy from many of the health dangers they can contract. In the first few weeks of life, your puppy still has all of the antibodies present from their mother’s milk. After a few weeks of age, these antibodies begin to dwindle in numbers and your new pet can become at risk for developing a wide variety of illnesses. This is when it is most important for you to begin vaccinating the puppy. Most vets advise puppy owners to begin the shot schedule around six to eight weeks of age, so the mother’s antibodies do not interfere with the ability of the vaccines to protect your puppy.

Your puppy will need shots for:* Canine Distemper virus* Hepatitis* Leptospirosis* Parainfluenza* Parvovirus* Coronavirus

These shots will be given to your puppy throughout the first few weeks of his or her life. Boosters of each vaccine are often given after a few weeks, to ensure your puppy is fully protected. By having your puppy vaccinated and regularly seen by the best veterinarian in Ft. Meade, you can avoid illnesses that can cause your puppy to become very sick.

If you are making the decision on getting a new puppy, make sure you are proactive in caring for your new family member by taking them to the vet within the first few weeks of life. Regular vet appointments keep dogs and cats healthy, so they have a better quality of life.