By Cindy A Smith

Sometimes things don’t go as you expect and it becomes really agonizing for a person to continue with the existing job. Now, when the opportunity comes to go back to the job business, situations have changed. You will now have to encounter more challenges as you will stand among the young job seekers who had recently graduated. But you don’t need to be sunk as you are not deserted and there are countless like you who have decided on starting their caravan towards the job chase. You just have to believe that success is waiting down the road.

So let’s come to the real bargain. You are in the job market and the biggest fear for you at this point is that you will get rejected by employers because of your age; it might be possible. But there are many prospect employers out there who are in the search for experienced workers just because they had been in the practical job world for quite a time. They are endowed with the skills and command that employers seek for the particular job position.

The main thing that needs consideration now is how you can sell it to the employer that you are capable of administrating the work and how your experience level is going to prove a gem for their company. It all depends on how you construct your resume and how your resume accentuates on your skills rather than emphasizing on your age.

There are many ways in which Resume writing can intensify your probability in having a better future in the job world. I will discuss some approaches through which you can make your resume accentuate more on your qualifications rather than age factor.


Mentioning Past Events

Don’t ever make the blunder of mentioning about your work experience that was before the 90’s. Focus more on what you have recently achieved. If you still think that your previous experiences is worth citing then create a new section such as ‘Past Experience’ that only draws attention towards your career achievements and not the dates.

Amendment in Resume about Technology

It won’t concern if you were the expert in Programming Language in the 90’s, as there are new tools and applications that have been introduced till date. At this point consider resume editing as it will appear to the employer that you are conscious of the new tools and programs that are in the market these days.

Educational Details

Most employers who need to know about your real age will simply move towards your Education section. So the best strategy is to remove the dates of graduation and only cite the name of the school/college you graduated from. Another fact to keep in mind is that incase the name of the school has been changed, from where you graduated then update its new name in your resume as well.

Elaborate your Achievements

This is the area where you can ascertain the employer that you are not minor than the young job seekers. You have the experience, skills and positive work ethics that most young workers will lack in.

About the Author: Cindy A Smith is a professional resume writer and is highly passionate about writing instructive articles about resume writing. He is a widely renowned career expert, having worked with industry leaders in progressive positions in the human resources department.For more information about resume writing services, be sure to visit


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