By Valerie Rosenbaum

They call them ‘smile lines’. But, what are they really? Here’s a look at what causes those wrinkles and what you can do about them.

Smiling, laughing, frowning, squinting and other habitual facial expressions are often blamed for wrinkles. But, if you think about it, it doesn’t make sense. Everyone makes those expressions. But, not everyone gets wrinkles.

Some people get them at a much younger age than others. We call that premature aging of the skin. So, what we really want to know is what causes skin aging? There are actually several causes.

First, the production of elastic fibers decreases. The elastic fibers are responsible for the skin’s strength and firmness. They allow the skin to ‘bounce back’ when you make an expression or sleep in a way that causes wrinkling.

Research has shown that it is possible to stimulate the production of new elastic fibers. Applying the right compounds to your skin on a daily basis for 18 days can improve the skin’s elasticity by over 40%. So, it can bounce back once again.


The second cause of wrinkling has to do with low levels of an important compound called hyaluronic acid. Some of the injections used by cosmetic surgeons to get rid of smile lines contain hyaluronic acid. But, young skin has plenty of it.

It is a gooey substance that basically holds the skin’s cells together. As the amount within the skin decreases, it starts to ‘crack’.

Many anti-aging creams contain hyaluronic acid, but applying it directly does not work. There is an enzyme (called hyaluronidaise) within the skin that breaks down hyaluronic acid.

Scientists have found that extracts from a certain kind of kelp inhibit the activity of hyaluronidaise by as much as 52% after only five days of use. The kelp can be combined with other beneficial ingredients to basically erase smile lines naturally.

The third cause is said to be one of the most important. That cause is free radical damage. Increased free radical activity due to overexposure to UV rays from the sun is the usual cause of premature aging.

It is believed that some people get wrinkles while others do not, because of free radical damage. Decreased production of elastic fibers and low levels of hyaluronic acid happen to everyone. But, people are exposed to different toxins and different amounts of sunlight. So, some of them experience more free radical damage and have more wrinkles as a result.

Some antioxidants can reverse smile lines by 30% after three months of use, according to one study. The volunteers were people that suffered from sun damage, which at one time was thought to be irreversible.

Antioxidants are able to neutralize free radicals. We have known that for many years. Now, it appears that they can also reverse damage the radical molecules have already done.

Some antioxidants are more potent than others. It also takes a special manufacturing process to make them small enough to penetrate the skin.

A good anti-aging cream can help you get rid of smile lines. Learn more about the ingredients that have proven effectiveness and start looking your best.

About the Author: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best anti wrinkle skin care products available. The skin care product line she discovered uses a proprietary blend of all natural ingredients like Cynergy TK and functional keratin. To learn more visit her website


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